
Zumba in Heels Workout Tips

  • Always remember to hydrate before and after working out, water helps preventing soar muscles and is the first step to a beautiful glowing skin.
  • Try to avoid eating right before a workout session, however if you are feeling a bit hungry a palmful of almonds or a banana are ideal snacks.
  • Always stretch after working out. Try to maintain each position for a minute or more. Don't forget to breath while stretching, it'll help your muscles to relax and your stretching will only be more beneficial.
  • Reward yourself with a cool work out outfit that you feel great in and see how it increases your motivation!

The Zumba episodes are infused with a variety of Latin dance moves that include Salsa and Merengue. Our instructor and film choreographer, Samantha Schnitzler, will introduce the basic steps of the dance and will then be combined together to create a routine. Individual and group demonstrations are explained and repeated, so the routines can be learnt by all dance levels. It's a very fun, high-energy workout showing how you can dance your way to better legs and glutes. Each episode is packed with exciting but easy-to-follow moves that viewers can come away with the basic skills that can be used for both fitness and the dance floor.

About the Instructor

Born in New Caledonia, Samantha grew up near Paris and started ballet at the age of 6. A year later she was introduced to Rythmic Gymnastics and competed in that discipline for 11 years, while still dancing in parallel. Fascinated by the world of performing arts, she was then trained in jazz, funk and acting.

After working in Tunisia and French Polynesia, she moved to Canada at the age of 21, where she fell in love with contemporary dance.

Now settled in London, she is collaborating with various artists as a choreographer as well as working on Hollywood and Bollywood feature films.