Street Dance

Street Dance in Heels Workout Tips

  • Keep your weight slightly forward – great for leg muscles, promotes good posture, works abdominals, ensures you don't rely on the heel – safe.
  • Keep your knees slightly bent at all times, helps with range of movement which then means you are extending your limbs further – getting a bigger workout, keeps your leg muscles working, no pressure on knees.
  • Turn you core ON! Imagine every move is made starting at your core muscles – Transverse abdominals (deep abs), Obliques (side abs), Rectus abdominals (front top layer)...your limbs will benefit from the solid base, and you'll be working your core the whole time!
  • Draw your shoulders down your back, relax your shoulders – they will take the over from the core if it is not working properly and will cause bad posture and a sore neck!
  • The bigger the better – often a move will look AMAZING if you make it as big and strong as you can – plus it can make your workout that much harder!!
  • Keep your knees over your toes – you'll keep a safe posture, keep pressure off the knees plus you'll be working your Glutes – your turn out muscles.
  • To get low – bend legs not your back! Keep trunk solid and as straight as possible, try to bend your legs as much as possible when you get low – this will ensure correct posture, core muscles working and burn your leg muscles!
  • Add attitude, by adding attitude you will automatically me adding strength and power to your movement – go for it!

The street dance episodes show a modern day twist on voguing, whacking and fanning. Our instructor, professional dancer and choreographer, Jacinta Landon, will introduce each dance move step by step and build upon each move gradually to a full-fledged routine. Individual and group demonstrations are explained and repeated in order to make the routines easier to be learned by all dance levels.

The episodes are packed with lots of movement like swinging arms, rhythmic feet and an occasional twist. At the show's end, a funky, fun street dance will be taught with some of the catchiest pop culture beats.

About the Instructor

Jacinta Landon is a professional commercial dancer, choreographer and instructor living in the UK. She graduated with a Dance Diploma in her home country New Zealand before moving to the UK to follow her passions for performance.

She has danced and sang in numerous musical theatre shows including playing the lead character, Skimbleshanks, in CATS, one of her favorite roles.

She has choreographed and danced in various live performances all over New Zealand and the UK, dancing in music videos, modeling in fashion shows and on New Zealand breakfast television, and is currently a fitness instructor and dance teacher in her local city.

Jacinta thrives in creative atmospheres, most recently focusing on the choreography and instruction of her youth street dance crew – Elevate. She considers herself lucky to be able to do what she loves, enjoys working hard and strives to learn from all the wonderful people she meets and knows.